Nov 15, 2012

Shugo Chara RP with Inasa *^-^* and Geo Skirts ;_;

Shugo Chara like FTW?

Me and Inasa is like totally obsessed with the Anime serie Shugo Chara!. We love it xD
And we have even made a roleplay about it which is totally awesome...

I would recommend you to watch the serie if you enjoy Manga and Anime. ^^

Geo Skirts D:

Don't think I hate geo skirts. I absolutely LOVE them!
But I don't think they will bring them back - not that soon anyway.
Well what I would say is...
I checked through my closet on MSP today, and noticed... that my Geo Skirt was gone.
I was like DAFUQ AJGVSMTYGDFLSHJEKTSGSR and checked my gifts given history.
It wasn't there either.
Checking trade history?
So someone has recycled my Geo Skirt on my account. Hurrah u.u
It just ruined my mood today ;_;

Oct 26, 2012


❤Love love LOVE cupcakes! So much.
Anyway. Yesterday me and my friend Jennette29 (her name on msp) baked yummy cupcakes. (YUM. MY.)
The icing failed and we put tons of sprinkles on but... WE LOVE SPRINKLES!!! Also I'm missing Inasa right now, haven't seen her the whole week. ): Inaaaaaaaa Dx
Well... The cupcakes turned out fine and well, two of them we made extra extra big, reserved for us ofc xD

Oct 19, 2012

Copycats ):

I'm here again.
I know.
Well, someone took my look... on Cami101.
I really dislike this.
And without asking!
I really don't like it when people just can't have their own style...
This is her....

And this below is me.

This Friday Night!

I'm just chilling with a giant bowl with candy and chocolate playing MSP and watching TV. Just a typical friday night. :3

Oct 18, 2012


Me and my friend was doing our nails yesterday. This is mine.
Cupcakes on the right.
Random halloween colours on left.
The left hand failed abit cause it should have been write stripes too, but the brush was a little too thick so I failed and saved it like this.

Oct 13, 2012


This is me and Freja (Jennette29)'s pumpkin for Halloween.
His name is Hadi Ho.
Damon Hadi Ho.
He got a hole in his head but hey he's a vampire so it will heal. C:

Osm RP Alert

Having an awesome RP with Inasa over skype :3 it'll never END! xD Not gonna tell what its about though :3 it's our osm imagine world ;3

Sep 29, 2012

My favourite book!

Ahhhh this is like the BEST BOOK EVER!!! It's called 'Linger' in english and it's part two of a book series. The first one is called 'Shiver' and I forgot about the third ones name. But if you find it I really recommend you read it because it's so pro. :3


Sep 19, 2012

Here's a video about news on MSP. I recorded me doing new missions, checking new stuff
out and... yeah you can see yourself. ;)

Sewwi Investigates! New stuff on MSP!

I was on the Danish Moviestarplanet, and I noticed some new stuff on the login screen!
(click on pictures to see them in full screen)
 "Use your creativity"
 "Play with your pets"

 "Become rich and famous"
"Choose your own style"
 "Make your own movies"
 "Chat with your friends"
 "Create your own moviestar"

And a NEW VIP! This just looks great in my opinion. I WANT!


Sep 18, 2012

Sometimes, I get worried about you... O.o

Okay my friend keeps sending me blank messages... Like dafuq? And I dunno if I should answer xD

Level 14 yay, level 14 HURRAY!

I am finally level 14! YAYYYY!
A big thanks to everyone who helped, I love you all.
I was watching my own and Inasas movies on Serilia 2 and Rachel Sorem
when I heard fireworks, so I switched back to the tab on which I was on Serilia,
and it said I was level 14! (Sadly I didn't get a pic of the fireworks D:)
 My reaction was like...:

Yay ;3

Sep 17, 2012



Sep 13, 2012

Another Bracelet...

So heres a pic of the two bracelets I made at school.. The purple and pink one is the newest and in my opinion best I made.
Yeah that's my skinny arm lol xD
Enjoy your day... Or evening, if that is!
See ya xx


Aug 28, 2012

Congratulations, Inasa!

I was on Inasas user to get her to level 13, and I did! I got rid of...
well, 1-2000 fame for her. Thanks to me she doesn't have to look
at that '12' anymore. :3
Congratulations Ina, welcome to the teens of MSP. ._.
I also managed to... send abit fanmail to myself, uhm, I couldn't help
but do this and put it on the blog cause... well she freaked out and
laughed when she saw it. xD Love how crazy we are together,
-Sewwi ♥

3 Reasons for me to YAY

I got this weird black dot on my tooth, and I was positive that it was a hole. I went to the dentist today and said it was just a harmless something-scar, that doesnt do anything. YAY!

2. Yesterday I was hanging out in Vintage's room on MSP, and she said she liked my name! AND she even spelled it right! Thank you sooo mich Vintage. I'm a big fan, so YAY!

3. I just feel like yay-ing.
Problem? :3 YAY!


My dog likes carrots. :D
Silly Cactus.


This is a bracelet I made in school today :D looks neat, if I should say so myself.

Aug 26, 2012

New skin?

So one of my friends on the Danish MSP has white skin (like me) and she also has really cool eyes.
But I can't decide if I want to look like that on Serilia... so I took a pic and would like to know what you people think about it.

So what do you think?

Aug 24, 2012

Dat clickin' sound & Movie Making Bugs

So I guess you've heard the new clicking sound on MSP...
Freaking. Annoying.
Every time I put my mouse over something like profile, house or something, it says this gowrpgjghewpoih SOUND and its even worse when I click on something! If you haven't heard it, its like a bubble popping. Ugh... I can't stand it. Am I the only one?


So... I've tried to make some movies lately. Not telling you what movie it is... 's a secret.
Well, my movie maker (and lots of OTHER people's) keeps bugging out.
Lets say, I make a movie, and at the first step of the scene, they're facing <-- this way.
I go to next step, and what I see? They're facing ---> this way.
I'm so angry at moviestarplanet right now, i've sent them a mail... oh by the way, me and Jennette29, my bff irl, are working on a loooooooooooooooong list of all the mistakes on MSP. If you got any... feel free to tell me!
Right now I just have an inner craving to make movies ;_;

-αηgяу ѕєяιℓια

Aug 11, 2012

So.. angry...

Hi people, I am filled with the worst rage ever.
So yesterday I was up late to publish my movie "Amy's Plague" to the Zombie Western
competition. I had put alot effort and time, not to mention money into that movie, and what happens?
I send it into the comp. Msp: *checking movie...* "Your missing "Let us shoot 'em up."
I go to edit it and realise I wrote "Let's" instead of "Let us." but NOOOOO that's NOT allowed.
For gods sake... a tiny mistake makes all my time wasted. And ofcourse, I was sending it in at 23:59 so it could get on front page. Now its on page -not existing-.
URRRRRRRRRG i'm so angry right now.

-αηgяу ѕєяιℓια

Want to buy curtains... ;s

I'm starting to hate the lack of curtains in our kitchen, especially in the morning
when I stand there in my pyjamas with the worst hair ever, or even just in a t-shirt and underpants.
I go out to get breakfast ofcourse... and then some men are standing out there.
Crawl away before they see me!
Damn I want CURTAINS! -_-


Aug 5, 2012

The Grim Moon!

I'm proud to finally have finished a serie. I NEVER finish my series but this time I really was inspired and wanted to finish the serie, so I did!
Yup, the last episode is finally out, but not only that...
There will also be a Season two because of the success of Season one, I earned so much on it and I am very proud and happy that people has loved the series so much, so I couldn't just end it completely.

Season two will be released in Fall 2012 because of me and Inasa's sister series who will be done till at least September 25th, maybe more.
So while waiting for Season two of The Grim Moon, why not enjoy our sister series "Year of the Dragon"? The first episode will be out soon, we're still gathering all the items for the series.

Aug 4, 2012

Just sayin' hello ;3

Which level 20+ is coolest?

I'm kinda tired of these forums.
I think everyone on Moviestarplanet is cool, in their own way.
So why is it always level 20+?
Why not just "What moviestars do you think is cool?"
Or just no forums like that at all.
I saw a forum like that.... and well...

I said Lowri16.
Because she's awesome...

Aug 3, 2012

More Changes Incoming?

I've done some investigation on the Danish moviestarplanet (as i'm Danish I play there)
And look what I foundy-found...
Click pictures for full size!
Translation from top to bottom:
We help you and keep you safe
We are MovieStarPlanets moderators, and we make sure that its safe and fun to be here!
NEVER give your password to anyone!
Speak nicely to all movie stars and don't swear.
Use the report button to tell us about people who doesn't behave.
NEVER give your adress, real name, email or phone number to anyone.

Well... I am out of words right now. Not sure if it's in a good or bad way.
Not that I think this is bad... but... I just don't know what to say. xD

Best. RP. Ever.

So I was bored ... (as usual), and I went on forums and found this awesome roleplay.
Best. RP. Ever.

Ofcourse I had to join 'cause i'm a huge fan of Harry Potter. xD I was luckily the first one to join and had free choice of a character. (Psst, I picked Hermione. 'Cause she's kwl.)
Speaking of roleplays, did you know that me and Inasa was the people to bring Roleplaying back to the English MSP? Believe me or not, after our "Vampire and Werewolf Orphanage Roleplay", there was TONS of Roleplays! I am proud. :3

Mists of Pandaria!

You may have noticed this on my status...
So lemme tell you why!
A few of you know that I play World of Warcraft.
Many of you don't know, so now you do. xD
Anyways, well there's a new expansion (can't be bothered to explain) to the game,
and the release date has finally been announced!
I've already pre-ordered it and can't wait to play it!
Come on... be September 25th already!

Thank you Lowri!

Thanks to Lowri16 I have learned how to make my blog extra neat!
So thank you Lolo! :3

Aug 2, 2012

Zombie Twinnies!

Me and Lowri16's outfits for the new competition "Zombie Western". We're zombie twinnies!
Yeah Lolo here was so nice to let me buy her look in switched colours. ;D

Here's a picture of my two beautiful dogs, Cactus (male, 3 months) to the left and Cookie (female, 2 years) to the right. We got Cactus a week ago and he's already peeing everywhere in the house and tearing our furniture apart. Oh how I love my little pup of terror.